2009-12-19 Family Pics / 13.5 month photos taken at Pro Shots
Well, yesterday, Trinity continued her current trend, but she surprised me when she started her 'fit' in the car.
On the way to daycare, she started grunting and acting really anxious. She was even trying to bounce up and down in her car seat and she was reaching out towards me. I told her to try to hold on and I would take her to the bathroom as soon as we got to daycare. Sure enough, I headed in with her and went straight to the bathroom; that was what she wanted.
I finally got a minute to talk to one of the workers this afternoon, and she really didn't believe me when I told her she was already starting to show interest. I described how she's been letting me know just so they might try to watch for the same signs. We'll see how that goes.
Nonetheless, I rearranged baby gates this afternoon to make the bathrooms more accessible, and we'll just continue trying to encourage her to let us know. Chris and I are still in a state of disbelief over this right now, but we are excited and happy about it, too.
Until yesterday, I thought the past couple of weekends was just a fluke. Now, I think I'm wrong.
For the past few weekends, Trinity has come to me, at least once a day, to try to tell me she needs to go to the bathroom. Except for yesterday morning, we were always downstairs, and she would come over and act kind of whiny and want me to pick her up. When I would pick her up, she would start bouncing up and down and grunting. The first time I didn't have a clue what she wanted. On a whim, I tried bringing her to the bathroom. As soon as I sat her on the toilet she went. The following weekend a very similar situation took place.
Yesterday morning was different... Chris and I were in our room getting ready for church, and we were letting Trinity run around and play. Next thing I know, she teetered into our bathroom and started banging on the toilet lid. I decided to give it a try, and sure enough she had to go.
Hey, all of this still may be coincidences with timing. However, after this has happened three weekends in a row, I'm starting to question whether it's a fluke or not. I know she's not ready to start learning how to control it, and she's not at a point where she's coming to me while she's really hard at play. But, I guess I'll be thankful that it looks like she's already starting to show signs of being interested.
"Our Teething Bling products are made from a food-safe, phthalate-free, federally-approved silicone."They have several different pieces and all sorts of colors to choose from; there are several different types of pendants, as well as bangles and key chains. To try it out before I ordered a few different pieces, I decided on one of their heart-shaded pendants. Here is what the one I just ordered looks like:
Private Sub grdTestData_CellEndEdit(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles grdTestData.CellEndEditI know there is still room for refactoring the above code, but this is a simple solution for updating the cell color on changed values.
Dim view As DataView = CType(Me.grdTestData.DataSource, DataView)
Dim dataViewRow As DataRow = view.Item(e.RowIndex).Row
Dim Day1 As DataGridViewCell = Me.grdTestData("Day1", e.RowIndex)
Dim Day2 As DataGridViewCell = Me.grdTestData("Day2", e.RowIndex)
Dim Day3 As DataGridViewCell = Me.grdTestData("Day3", e.RowIndex)
Dim Day4 As DataGridViewCell = Me.grdTestData("Day4", e.RowIndex)
Dim Day5 As DataGridViewCell = Me.grdTestData("Day5", e.RowIndex)
Dim Day6 As DataGridViewCell = Me.grdTestData("Day6", e.RowIndex)
Dim Day7 As DataGridViewCell = Me.grdTestData("Day7", e.RowIndex)
Dim originalValueDay1 As Object = dataViewRow.Item("Day1_Yds", DataRowVersion.Original)
Dim originalValueDay2 As Object = dataViewRow.Item("Day2_Yds", DataRowVersion.Original)
Dim originalValueDay3 As Object = dataViewRow.Item("Day3_Yds", DataRowVersion.Original)
Dim originalValueDay4 As Object = dataViewRow.Item("Day4_Yds", DataRowVersion.Original)
Dim originalValueDay5 As Object = dataViewRow.Item("Day5_Yds", DataRowVersion.Original)
Dim originalValueDay6 As Object = dataViewRow.Item("Day6_Yds", DataRowVersion.Original)
Dim originalValueDay7 As Object = dataViewRow.Item("Day7_Yds", DataRowVersion.Original)
If originalValueDay1.Equals(Day1.Value) Then
If Day1.Style.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red Then
Day1.Style.BackColor = Me.grdTestData(0, e.RowIndex).Style.BackColor
End If
Day1.Style.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red
End If
If originalValueDay2.Equals(Day2.Value) Then
If Day2.Style.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red Then
Day2.Style.BackColor = Me.grdTestData(0, e.RowIndex).Style.BackColor
End If
Day2.Style.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red
End If
If originalValueDay3.Equals(Day3.Value) Then
If Day3.Style.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red Then
Day3.Style.BackColor = Me.grdTestData(0, e.RowIndex).Style.BackColor
End If
Day3.Style.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red
End If
If originalValueDay4.Equals(Day4.Value) Then
If Day4.Style.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red Then
Day4.Style.BackColor = Me.grdTestData(0, e.RowIndex).Style.BackColor
End If
Day4.Style.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red
End If
If originalValueDay5.Equals(Day5.Value) Then
If Day5.Style.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red Then
Day5.Style.BackColor = Me.grdTestData(0, e.RowIndex).Style.BackColor
End If
Day5.Style.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red
End If
If originalValueDay6.Equals(Day6.Value) Then
If Day6.Style.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red Then
Day6.Style.BackColor = Me.grdTestData(0, e.RowIndex).Style.BackColor
End If
Day6.Style.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red
End If
If originalValueDay7.Equals(Day7.Value) Then
If Day7.Style.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red Then
Day7.Style.BackColor = Me.grdTestData(0, e.RowIndex).Style.BackColor
End If
Day7.Style.BackColor = Drawing.Color.Red
End If
End Sub
Although the medical bills and stress built up for a while, from her stay in the NICU to trips to the ER for allergic reactions and high temps, it has all been worth it to be blessed by this gift from God for these 6 months.Before you were conceived, I wanted you...
Before you were born, I loved you...
Before you were here an hour,
I would die for you...
This is the miracle of life.
When I’m away from her, I live for the moment I get to see her look up at me and smile with that big, gummy grin.For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him: Therefore also I have lent him to the LORD; as long as he liveth he shall be lent to the LORD. And he worshiped the LORD there. 1 Samuel 1:27-28
A wee bit of heaven
drifted down from above-
A handful of happiness,
a heart full of love.
The mystery of life,
so sacred and sweet-
The giver of joy
so deep and complete.
Precious and priceless,
so lovable, too-
The world's sweetest miracle,
baby, is you."
- Helen Steiner Rice -
Well, I’m eagerly awaiting tonight; my parents are coming to visit. This will be the first time my dad has seen Sweet T (in person) since Christmas, and the first time moma has seen her in a little over two months. I can only imagine how anxious they are, too. I really hope Sweet T is feeling well and they get to enjoy their time together.
PC helped me do a mad dash of house cleaning last night. Well, we did some cleaning, but it was more of a reorganization effort in order to hide things until we really got a chance to go through the stack and put everything away. I really appreciated his help. For over a month, I’ve been trying to get the house clean so that our parents could visit, but I rarely made the time. Gee…I wonder why I would give spending time with our precious baby girl priority. Hmmm… I know I need to be better about it, especially since Sweet T will be mobile soon. However, I really hate having to make the trade off between time with her (and PC) and time spent cleaning the house. I guess I could cut sleep out and clean after PC and Sweet T are in bed. What do you think?