Wednesday, February 17, 2010

InchBug BumpyName Orbit Labels

For daycare, we are required to label all of our little one's bottles. At first, we tried Sharpie, but that washed off every time we washed the bottles. Then, I tried printing labels, but they didn't last more than a week or so. After some searching, I stumbled across the InchBug labels.

After using them for over a year now, I absolutely love them, and I can definitely say they work-for-me. You get 4 labels per pack; I chose the two-line label in Pinkly Purple. I love the fact that they fit on anything from her slimmest bottles to her Avent and Soothies. An added benefit was that it gave her more of a grip as she was learning to hold the bottle for herself.

The InchBug labels even fit around all the cups she uses now. Since they are practically going to last forever, I'm already looking forward to using these as she progresses throughout her school years.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday - Sweet T

Given the fact that I've been feeling pretty crummy this week, I debated on doing a Thankful Thursday post today. But, who says everything has to be going your way before you can be thankful for something. Right?!

I'm thankful that I have such a sweet daughter. She is such a pleasure to watch as she grows. She's currently at the point where she is really wanting to be our little helper. I hate that I've had to rely on that in order to get some things done this week, but she's had fun helping me in the process. Besides being such a great help with throwing her diapers away, as well as going up and down the stairs by herself, she has been a joy to watch as her love for finger foods has grown this week. Crackers, cookies, wagon wheels, etc...she loves them all. There's some chocolate chip cookies in our room that I have to keep hiding from her. If she ever catches a glimpse of that blue bag, boy does she go crazy trying to reach for it and begging.

God definitely knew something when He decide to send her to us. I hope we're making our special mark on her life. That aside, I can definitely say she has been the beam of light to my otherwise dreary week.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Baby Legs

Most of our family and all of those at daycare have definitely seen our little one in Baby Legs.

We all think they are great, and they definitely work-for-me. They've been great for several reasons. They protect Sweet T's knees as she crawls around. They make diaper changing or quick runs to the potty a blast because you don't have to struggle with getting pants down. They're also great because Sweet T's a bit hot natured; she'd want to run around without anything on if we'd let her. So, the Baby Legs cause less of a struggle, but keep her legs warm during the cool weather.

We have several pairs. However, after I've seen the new line for the spring (and the socks and tights they've added), I hope to get at least few more. Here is a picture of Sweet T in her rainbow pair.


If you look around the Baby Legs site, you'll see they can be used multiple ways, and they fit everyone - just check out the sizing information. Because I have some circulation issues, I like wearing them as arm warmers.

Thursday, February 04, 2010

27 years and 15 months

By the title, I'm guessing you're thinking I can't do math across years and months correctly. Well, that's not exactly true...

Man, time flies! This past week marked 15 months since Trinity entered this world, as well as PC’s 27th birthday.

This milestone in Sweet T’s life can be marked with increased use of her hands and an increase in her confidence with walking. She loves waving and blowing kisses bye-bye. She’s also started signing a few things, like more food and all done. Getting her to sit in one place for a few minutes is growing more and more difficult as she continues to gain more confidence in her walking abilities. This is ever apparent on Sundays. Over the past couple of months, she’s made it through less and less of the church service each week. Her love of shoes is growing right along with her love of walking, too. Many a time, she has picked up her pair of Croc-like sandals off the floor and walked over to PC or me wanting them put on...over the pair of shoes she currently has on. You should see her when we get home in the afternoon, too. I take her out of her car seat and stand her up in our driveway. She’s usually almost at the front door by the time I grab her baby bag, shut the car door, and catch up to her.

Trinity’s biggest delight over the past couple of weeks has been turning lights off and on. She loves flipping the light switches in the house. Plus, while we’re in the car, she begs for the interior lights to be switched on…then off…then on…well, you get the point. She’s turning out to be a great little helper, too. You definitely won’t ever forget to close the refrigerator door, well any door for that matter, or a drawer while she’s around. It’s not that she’ll be in it if you don’t…it’s that she’ll shut it for you if you leave it open. Even if you were going to leave it open for just a few seconds, she’ll close it for you before you’re really done if she can make it over fast enough. She’ll also throw her diapers away for me.

Rhett and Dodger and Trinity are enjoying each other more and more. She now helps me let the dogs out and feed them in the morning, and she enjoys putting them to bed and giving them their treats at night. On weekends, she loves playing with them throughout the day, too.

Now, on to PC. We haven’t had the chance to do much to celebrate his birthday yet. I feel bad about that. He did pick-up a game and a couple of movies last night, and I’ll be making Enchilada Casserole tonight. I guess that will give him some time to relax, but I don’t really feel like that’s enough. For all he does for me, I wish I could think of something more!

Wednesday, February 03, 2010