Monday, March 23, 2009
Green Peas
My parents couldn't believe how much Sweet T has changed. They got to see her try green peas; they definitely aren't her favorite food, but she does tolerate them. (I think she likes peaches the far.) They also got to see her eat some gravy and suck on a lemon wedge and an orange slice, and I gave her some water out of a glass.
Of course, with all the excitement, I didn't take a single picture with our camera. Mom took several with hers, and I hope to get copies of those pictures.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Well, I’m eagerly awaiting tonight; my parents are coming to visit. This will be the first time my dad has seen Sweet T (in person) since Christmas, and the first time moma has seen her in a little over two months. I can only imagine how anxious they are, too. I really hope Sweet T is feeling well and they get to enjoy their time together.
PC helped me do a mad dash of house cleaning last night. Well, we did some cleaning, but it was more of a reorganization effort in order to hide things until we really got a chance to go through the stack and put everything away. I really appreciated his help. For over a month, I’ve been trying to get the house clean so that our parents could visit, but I rarely made the time. Gee…I wonder why I would give spending time with our precious baby girl priority. Hmmm… I know I need to be better about it, especially since Sweet T will be mobile soon. However, I really hate having to make the trade off between time with her (and PC) and time spent cleaning the house. I guess I could cut sleep out and clean after PC and Sweet T are in bed. What do you think?