The past few weeks Sweet T has ended up with some pretty bad diaper rash by the weekend. I wasn't very happy with this; however, I'd always be able to get it cleared up before Monday rolled around again by letting her go with out a diaper from time-to-time, etc. Last weekend was different. It was even bad enough on Friday that the daycare worker even made a comment about it being VERY red to PC when he picked her up. As soon as they got home, I went to go ahead and change her diaper so I could have a peek. I was surprised when I found oozing blisters ranging in sizes from a dime to a quarter and others about the size/shape of my finger. I called the after-hours nurse to see if there was anything I could do to treat Sweet T from home during the weekend to bide us over until she could get seen in the office on Monday. They proceeded to tell me that their protocol with a case that bad was to have them seen immediately because it could quickly run into scalded skin syndrome in some cases. They also mentioned an after-hours pediatric clinic that we had never heard of, which we are THRILLED about!
After a trip to the after hours clinic (luckily...instead of the ER) last weekend, we were told by the pediatrician that seen Sweet T that we would need to keep her in cloth diapers, or even better...let her run around naked, at least through the weekend. After I ended up with a large mess on my hands on Saturday morning, I went looking for an alternative to disposable diapers, and I found these "gDiapers" at Babies 'R Us. So far, I love them.

They are somewhat of a mix between cloth diapers and disposables...almost to the point where you get the best of both worlds. They definitely breath better than disposables, and the gDiapers don't have as many of the chemicals and plastics that disposables do. I love the fact that you can flush them and end up with practically no waste, or you can toss them and know that they will start degrading in 50+ days. I've always felt bad about all the waster we were sending to the landfill just because of the horrendous amount of diapers we go through.
After a week, I'm happy at how it has went. I'm definitely thinking about fully "making the switch." For now, we are still using "overnights," but gDiapers has tips on how to double up the layers for during the night. I plan to try that in a couple of weeks if the daytime continues to go well. I also plan on making an order of a few more of the cute cloth outer layers from their site; they have several cute colors besides the adorable orange and cream ones you get in the starter pack. I will also be signing up for the auto-delivery of the refills sometime soon.
Hope you have a good Friday and enjoy the upcoming weekend!